Monday, April 15, 2019

Commentary on Haggadah 2019 version is now available


The 2019 version of my commentary on the Haggadah (70 pages) is now available. It has some additions/ corrections/ revisions from the previous versions.  Below is the table of contents to enable people to check how this version differs from previous versions.  The numbers are the page numbers in the file. If you are interested in receiving the commentary, please send me an email,, and I will send you the file.  I wish everybody a chag kasher ve-samaech.

Andrew Schein  

Introduction to the Haggadah  p.    3
Bedikat hametz p.             3
Two systems: Burning and annulling p.       3
Hiding bread in the house before doing the bedikat hametz p.       4
The blessing on bedikat hametz p.             5
The Seder plate p.             6
The history of the Seder plate  p.    6
How many matzot? p.        11
The mnemonic of the Seder p.       12
Kiddush p.             13
The four cups of wine  p.    13
The four words or verses of redemption (parshanut) p.     14
Leaning p.             15
Karpas p.   17
Why is karpas part of the Seder? p.            17
How much karpas is one to eat?  p.             18
Dipping the karpas  p.         19
Yachatz and ha lachma anya  p.       20
Maggid  p.  23
The obligation to re-tell the story of the exodus from Egypt p.        23
Structure of the Maggid  p.             25
Mah nishtanah: Covering the matzah by the mah nishtanah  p.       25
Mah nishtanah: Popularity and source  p.    26
Mah nishtanah: Who says the mah nishtanah?  p.   27
Mah nishtanah: How many questions compromise the mah nishtanah? p.  28
Mah nishtanah: The order of the mah nishtanah?  p.           29
Mah nishtanah: The answers  p.     29
Lowly states: We were slaves and our forefathers were idolaters  p.           31
The four sons: Why four? p.           32
The four sons: How can one identify the traits of each son? p.         33
The four sons: The answers to evil son’s question  p.          33
The four sons: The answer/ statement to the son who cannot ask a question p.     34
The four sons: Two plus two p.      34
The drush: Introduction p.             35
The drush: Connections between the mikra bikurim and other verses in the Torah p.         35
The drush: Arami oved avi (parshanut) p.   36
The drush: Va-yered Mitzraymah  p.           37
The drush: And the Egyptians with evil intent treated us harshly (parshanut) p.      37
The drush: We cried to G-d (parshanut) p.             39
The drush: And G-d saw our affliction and our burdensome suffering (parshanut) p.          40
The drush: And G-d took us out Egypt (parshanut)  p.         41
The drush: The plague of the firstborn (parshanut)  p.         42
The drush: Sixteen drops  p.           42
The drush: The ten plagues  p.        44
The drush: Dzakh adash beachav (parshanut) p.     44
R. Yosi ha-Galilee, R. Eliezer and R. Akiva  p.            46
Dayenu  p.             46
Rabban Gamliel  p.             47
Matzah (parshanut)       p. 48
Maror p.    49
Dividing Hallel p.    51
Differences between Hallel all year round and by the Seder p.       52
The blessing at the end of the Maggid p.    52
Matzah  p.  54
How much matzah does one need to eat by the Seder?p.             54
Shemurah matzah p.         55
Charoset p.           57
Eating eggs by the beginning of the meal p.            59
Afikoman p.          60
The history of the term afikoman p.           60
Eating the afikoman before midnight p.     62
Shefokh hamatcha p.         63
Conclusion of Hallel in the Haggadah p.      65
Songs at the end of the Seder p.    66
Bibliography p.      68