Monday, December 23, 2013

Highlights of parashat Va-era`

In this week's parasha, G-d commissioned Moshe to free the people from Egypt.  (G-d has already done this is parashat Shemot, but after the failure of Moshe's first mission, chapter five, then there is a need to start over again.  The difference is that now Moshe was a willing messenger, while before he was a reluctant messenger.)  Afterwards, the Torah records seven of the ten plagues.  We have seven discussions on the parasha on the blog.

One, we discuss why Moshe again mentioned to G-d his speech impediment,

Two, we discuss who was the agent of the first plague of blood, and how long did the plague last,

Three, we discuss what was the plague of arov,

Four, we offer an explanation how Pharaoh could have animals after the fifth plague since the  plague killed all the Egyptian animals, 

Seven, we discuss the different terms used to describe the hardening of Pharaoh's heart, on 9:34,35 – The two types of hardening of Pharaoh’s heart, va-yachbed and va-yechezak and two types of thinking, system one and system two

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Highlights of parashat Shemot

This parasha begins by setting the background for the exodus, how the people became enslaved (chapter one) and Moshe's youth (chapter two).  The next two chapters record Moshe being commissioned by G-d to free the people, and the last chapter records the failure of Moshe's first mission to Pharaoh.  We have four discussions on this parasha.
The first discussion examines Pharaoh's plan to enslave and kill the male Jewish babies,
The second discussion discusses whether Moshe killed the Egyptian on purpose or by accident,
The fourth discussion tries to understand what happened to Moshe and his son when Moshe was returning to Egypt, 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Highlights of parashat Va-yehi

This parasha focuses on the last days and death of Yaakov.  We have six discussions on this parahsa:
We have two discussions on Yaakov's blessings to his grandsons, Menahse and Efrayim.  One discusses the structure of chapter 48, and one attempts to explain how Yaakov did not recognize his grandsons,
The fourth discussion examines whether the brothers and Yosef were truly reconciled in the end,
The fifth discussion argues that Yaakov knew that the brothers had caused Yosef to be sold to Egypt,
The sixth discussion  explains that Yosef was the fourth generation referred to in the prophecy of Bereshit 15:16,

Monday, December 2, 2013

Highlights of parashat Va-yiggash

This week's parasha records Yehuda's great speech which moved Yosef to reveal himself to his brothers and then all the family moved to Egypt. We have three discussions on the parasha:

Two, a discussion on why Yosef asked is my father alive after he revealed himself to his brothers,

Three, when the family goes to Egypt, the Torah records that the family consisted of seventy people, but this count is not obvious.  We offer a solution to this question,